H.M.S. Caprice
World Cruise 1968 Association

Destroyer DO1 - The history of HMS Caprice 1942 - 1979 ... and the men who served in her

The Association, over the years, has accumulated numerous pictures and information of HMS Caprice from 1942 to 1979. In fact we became the de facto archives of the ship’s history! In 2008, to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the 1968 World Cruise it was decided to publish a book. The book's contents grew rapidly from just the 1967-68 Commission to include all of the ship's history.

Issue 3 has now republished as a hardback. Some items have been corrected and some new items added. All the photos and diagrams have been enhanced and some converted to colour . Its 96 pages contain over 130 photos and diagrams.

My grateful thanks to all those who sent in information. Graham Latter

Price - £16 inc p&p within UK
(£14 Caprice Association members)

see Book Payment Methods

Please contact Graham Latter at 62 Mill Rise, Swanland, East Yorkshire HU14 3PW
if you want to order a copy.

Commission Books & Source Information (pdf files)
Able Seaman Percy Newell's Log Book 1944 - 46

1959- 60
Part 1 (pages 1-19 - 3.79 mb)
Pages 20-21 (A3 Landscape Map - 363k)
Part 2
(pages 22 - 53 - 3.4mb)

1962- 63 (1.25mb)
1967- 68 Commission (being prepared)

3rd Edition in colour
Web Site Designed & maintained by Graham Latter
This page last updated November 14, 2024 --- -